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June 11, 2020 2 min read

       Here’s a glimpse into Allison Bruckheimer’s journey and once you are done reading about her, go follow along with her story at @alibpilates!” #GreatSolesForGreatSouls 

I was a dancer up until college and then I found Pilates.

After practicing Pilates for a short period of time I decided to become certified to teach. I knew immediately that it was what I was supposed to be doing and even before I completed the 600hr certification, I was sure one day I would be a Teacher Trainer.

As a dancer I fell in love with the amazing benefits Pilates offers by increasing flexibility, building strength and improving balance it can bring about a feeling of wellbeing and focus, something so important, especially in these days.

During this time of Quarantine, I found consistency in creating a routine is key. Making a space in your home that is designated just for your workouts/stretching/meditation and finding an instructor and/or online studio to help guide you and encourage you really helps.

 Spending time at home has brought me clarity and made me realize what is important and what truly makes me happy. I have been able to continue swimming, being by the water, and spending time with my pups, things that provide me with a feeling of normalcy during this challenging time.

These days it’s important to find activities that can bring about a sense of comfort.

I continue to find inspiration from taking workshops and classes from other instructors. There is always something to learn and for me, Pilates is a lifestyle

Last but not least I have been working on something that is very special to me and I plan to launch my new business this summer - so stay tuned!

Watch her demonstrate her at Home AB Toner in our Isabella Red Non-Slip Grip Socks:

Grab a pillow for support and follow these cues:
+ Keep the pelvis curled under
+ Keep the neck long
+ Be careful not to arch your back
+ 4 to 8 Reps per variation
Keep in touch with Allison


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